Dream to Reality
Spirit led you to create your creation, your book, your writing,
your message, your poetry, your novel, your vulnerable sharing,
your treasure.
We are here to work with Spirit to get it into the world
through self-publishing, and into the hands (physically and digitally)
of those who are meant to experience it.

We support authors and entrepreneurs to become visible in the world in ways that feel authentic to their energy and to the spirit of the work they are feeling led to share with the world. Michelle Layli Farnsworth leads a team of highly skilled people to support you through the entire process.
We are playful, we are grounded, we know our work, and we are committed to supporting you in the birthing of your creation into the world. We guide you through the technicalities, as well as the fear and excitement that comes with a birth.
​If you feel called to work with us, we would be honored to do so. We see every individual creation as a gift to the world that deserves its full expression.
We believe in being transparent and sharing details and pricing of the packages we offer. If you want make changes to the below packages the pricing will change. Reach out for a quotation or let us know you want to start: mfarnsworth.transformations@gmail.com
Self-Publishing and Launch Packages
Self-Publishing Package
1. Dedicated Support by Michelle Layli Farnsworth through the entire process led by spirit, compassion, focus and organization, managing her team of experts to get this book out into the world.
2. Book Formatting for print (pdf) and ebook (epub) formats, including use of fonts that support the look and feel of the book cover design.
3. ISBN Numbers for print book and ebook.
4. Print ready Front Cover, Spine and Back Cover incorporating in previous art; provided in pdf and jpg versions for print and ebook versions.
5. Listing on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target and many other online shops in the US, Europe and Australia, with book blurb, key words, genre categories and author bio.
6. On-demand printing (giving you the option to direct customers directly online, and having copies to sell in person yourself)
7. Recommendation on Sale Price (US, European and Australian) based on research on similar books (size, genre, format, quality).​​​
Self-Publishing and Social Media Support
8. Inclusion in Mainspring Foundations Publishing Online Shop (print and ebook). Author keeps more of the profit than selling through the online outlets included above.
9. Author Landing Page managed by Mainspring Foundations Publishing that includes info about the book, testimonials from readers, info about the author, and/or upcoming book signings or events. The url will be: www.mainspringfoundations.com/publishing/<authorname> or <bookname>
10. Book Launch from Publishing Social Media Accounts Planning, executing and posting [8 video reels and 10 posts (visual and text content) across 6 different Mainspring Foundations Publishing social media accounts before and after book launch.]