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Quddus and Michelle Miller Farnsworth

Wedding Celebration


How it all started

Back in 1975 (before Michelle was born) Quddus and his family attended her parents wedding at Green Acre Baha'i School in Eliot, Maine [He's the tall kid in the picture ogling the cake that Michelle's grandmother is about to cut - ever the sweet tooth!]


The two families lost touch....

48 years later

September of 2023 Quddus returned to Green Acre, this time as a chef, instead of a cake ogling kid. He knew in his heart that he was there for a reason, but he didn't yet know what it was. 


In November, a few months later, that reason walked down the hall in Green Acre to volunteer in the kitchen. 


He may have ogled her... but more importantly by the end of the weekend it was clear to both of them that energetically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally there was something special there and that together they could build something powerful in the world.  


However Michelle was moving to Costa Rica in 4 days...


International Connection

From the moment Michelle left Green Acre they were committed to staying in touch and seeing if they could build a relationship long distance.


Michelle settled into her life in Costa Rica and into her plan of founding a Center to bring her coaching clients and others to recuperate and rejuvenate in the powerful energy of that country.


Quddus continued his career goals at Green Acre and, because he has always been a smart man, he knew he had to pursue this woman if he was going to have her in his life. He traveled to visit her in Costa Rica twice in the winter of 2024.


Michelle is also a pretty intelligent woman and she knew she needed to reciprocate, and so in March of 2024 she traveled to him.


What she thought would be only a three week trip to Maine, turned into three months...and counting...


In the early stages of their relationship they didn't share with many people as it felt so sacred and that it was important to privately tend their new relationship. 


In March, 4.5 months into their relationship, they decided to share publicly and this is what they each wrote:


Life Partners

It was clear after Michelle arrived in Maine that she had found her life partner, and Quddus felt the same.


So they decided to start their lives together as a married couple on April 20 in a small sacred ceremony.


It was hosted in the home of dear friends, and their moms attended by Zoom (the wonders of technology)



Families United

On July 6, 2024 in the company of their friends and family (in person and in spirit) they celebrated their marriage with 3 wonderful days of events in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. 

Photo Jul 06 2024, 12 41 14 PM.jpg
Photo Jul 20 2024, 10 39 29 PM.jpg
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                                                                                            The mothers of the bride and groom:

Michelle's parents wedding - 1975                                                                                                                                                                         Quddus and Michelle's wedding - 2024                                                                                                                                                  

After the Celebration...

Whats next for the new couple?

They will be living in Cedarburg for the next year as they work and plan and save to move together to Costa Rica to create a center of healing, respite and learning - with the combined forces of our skills and talents as well as the power of their union (and their family, friends and community behind them).


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